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Full matrix generation diagonal matrix fit

[Generated automatically as a Tutorial summary]



Title:Full matrix generation diagonal matrix fit
Author:Wright Dose Ltd
One compartment model with absorption compartment and CL/V parametrisation.
This script uses a full covariance matrix to generate the data, but a diagonal matrix to fit.
Keywords:dep_one_cmp_cl; one compartment model; diagonal matrix; full matrix
Input Script:gen_full_fit_diag_tut.pyml

True f[X] values

f[KA] = 0.3000
f[CL] = 3.0000
f[V] = 20.0000
f[PNOISE_STD] = 0.1000
f[ANOISE_STD] = 0.0500
f[CL_isv,V_isv] = [
    [ 0.1500, 0.0500 ],
    [ 0.0500, 0.1500 ],

Starting f[X] values

f[KA] = 0.3000
f[CL] = 3.0000
f[V] = 20.0000
f[PNOISE_STD] = 0.1000
f[ANOISE_STD] = 0.0500
f[CL_isv,V_isv] = [
    [ 0.0100, 0.0000 ],
    [ 0.0000, 0.0100 ],


Generating and Fitting Summaries

Fitted f[X] values

f[KA] = 0.3000
f[CL] = 3.0000
f[V] = 20.0000
f[PNOISE_STD] = 0.1000
f[ANOISE_STD] = 0.0500
f[CL_isv,V_isv] = [
    [ 0.1265, 0.0000 ],
    [ 0.0000, 0.1185 ],


Dense comp plots

Alternatively see All dense_comp graph plots


True objective value


Final fitted objective value


Compare Main f[X]

No Main f[X] values to compare.

Compare Noise f[X]

No Noise f[X] values to compare.

Compare Variance f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Prop. Error Abs. Error
f[CL_isv] 0.01 0.126 0.15 15.68% 2.35e-02
f[CL_isv;V_isv] 0 0 0.05 100.00% 5.00e-02
f[V_isv;CL_isv] 0 0 0.05 100.00% 5.00e-02
f[V_isv] 0.01 0.119 0.15 20.98% 3.15e-02
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