• Language: en


An optional section that controls the output from a script.

The OUTPUT_OPTIONS section is available in the following scripts:-

The OUTPUT_OPTIONS contain a script type specific set of extra options.

Example OUTPUT_OPTIONS for sim_script

The OUTPUT_OPTIONS in a Sim Script contain a single field ‘sim_time_step’. For example the following:-

    sim_time_step: 0.5

means that PoPy will simulate a p[X] value at every 0.5 time units when simulating from a PK/PD model.

An alternative (and default setting) is:-

    sim_time_step: -1.0

Which only simulates p[X] model predictions for time points present in the data file, i.e. dense time point sampling is switched off by using a negative ‘sim_time_step’.

Example OUTPUT_OPTIONS for msim_script

The OUTPUT_OPTIONS in a MSim Script contain the ‘sim_time_step’ and ‘n_pop_samples’ fields. For example the following:-

    sim_time_step: -1.0
    n_pop_samples: 100

In a MSim Script it is simpler to keep ‘sim_time_step’ set to -1.0. As you usually want the noise c[X] samples to be at the same time points as the original data file when creating a VPC.

The ‘n_pop_samples’ allows you to vary the number of population samples you collect for your VPC. Generally the more the better, but you have to wait longer for more samples.

Example OUTPUT_OPTIONS for mtut_script and mgen_script

The OUTPUT_OPTIONS in a MTut Script and MGen Script allow you to control the number of population samples, for example:-

OUTPUT_OPTIONS: {n_pop_samples: 30}

The more population samples the more comprehensive your data, but the longer the computation will take.

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