• Language: en


To help you get started with a new script, we provide a tool called popy_create that generates an example of one of the Script File Formats. You do this by opening a Open a PoPy Command Prompt and typing:-

$ popy_create [script_type] my_script.pyml

where [script_type] is one of the script names (“fit”, “gen”, “tut”, and so on.). See Script File Formats for a list of all script types.

Typically, the new script can then be edited using popy_edit to suit current requirements or immediately run using popy_run. See Creating Example Scripts for more information.

Command line options

usage: popy_create [-h] [-a] [-c] [-l] [-o] [-s]
                   [-v {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}]

Creates an example PoPy script

positional arguments:
                        type of script to create
  output_file           path to output configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all_config      Optionally output all possible config file entries in
                        output script files. If set to false, the default
                        entries with default values are suppressed for the
                        sake of brevity.
  -c, --comment_scripts
                        Optionally add explanatory comments to all entries in
                        output script files.
  -l, --line_breaks     Optionally enforce line breaks in the config file.
                        This increases the length of files, but may improve
                        clarity. If set to False, short dictionary lines are
                        compacted instead using {} notation.
  -o, --overwrite       Optionally overwrite existing output files without
  -s, --spaces          Optionally add more spaces to the output config file
                        for greater clarity, but longer config files. Off by
  -v {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}, --verbosity {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}
                        verbosity of output in log file
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