• Language: en


This optional section is an opportunity to provide notes about the model. The script is given a (short) name and a (longer) title. The author of the model can be named and the abstract is used to describe the model. You can define keywords to aid future searches.


    # Unique name used to distinguish script
    name: builtin_fit_example

    # A longer text string that could serve as a title
    title: First order absorption model with peripheral compartment

    # Author of the model
    author: J.R. Hartley

    # Abstract paragraph describing model
    abstract: |
        A two compartment PK model with bolus dose and
        first order absorption.

    # Keywords list used to categorise models.
    keywords: ['fitting', 'pk', 'advan4', 'dep_two_cmp', 'first order']



The optional name entry is used as an identifier for the script. It is also used to form the name of child scripts. For example when specifying the name:-

If you do not specify a name the field defaults to:-

name: none

the child Sim Script will be named ‘none_sim.pyml’ and the child FitSum Script will be named ‘none_fitsum.pyml’ etc.. For this reason it’s a good idea to keep the name short and only use alpha numeric characters and underscores.

For more info see Files Generated by Fit Script.


The title field is optional, but otherwise appears in the summary output and on graphical plots.


The author field is optional but allows you to store the name of the person who created the script.


The abstract field is optional, but allows a longer description of the purpose of the script.

This field is verbatim, so it is suffixed with a ‘|’ symbol. See:-

abstract: |
    A two compartment PK model with bolus dose and
    first order absorption.

The abstract is included in the summary output. It can contain any text you like. Note it is indented relative to the ‘abstract’ field name, like all verbatim sections.


The keywords field is optional and contains a list of strings, for example:-

keywords: ['fitting', 'pk', 'dep_two_cmp', 'first order','advan4']

Here the Python notation for a list is used, i.e. an opening square bracket ‘[’ followed by comma separated strings and a closing square bracket ‘]’.

Note: it is intended that the keywords will eventually form part of a publicly available index of PoPy script files.

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