• Language: en


The most important command in the suite of Command Line Tools is popy_run. It processes PoPy scripts.

Running a script

To run a PoPy script Open a PoPy Command Prompt and type:-

$ popy_run my_script.pyml

What happens with the script depends on its type. There are many script formats:-

See Script File Formats for more information.

Note a common switch to use with popy_run is:-

$ popy_run -o my_script.pyml

Here the ‘-o’ option overwrites previous output automatically. If the script has already been run and you do not use the ‘-o’ option, you will be asked to confirm you want to overwrite any previous output.

For other command line options see Command line options.

Running multiple scripts

Note you can also run all scripts in a directory using:-

$ popy_run *.pyml

This runs all files with the ‘.pyml’ extension in serial.

Log files created by popy_run

When popy_run processes a script file, it creates a log file:-


as a record of the output. If a runtime error occurs during processing, a stack trace is sent to:-


as a record of what went wrong.

Command line options

Note: "popy_run ..." will be deprecated in favour of "popy run ..." from v1.3

usage: popy_run [-h] [-a] [-c] [-f] [-i] [-l] [-m] [-o] [-r] [-s] [-t]
                [-v {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}]

Runs a PoPy script

positional arguments:
  input_file            Required path to input configuration file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all_config      Optionally output all possible config file entries in
                        output script files. If set to false, the default
                        entries with default values are suppressed for the
                        sake of brevity.
  -c, --comment_scripts
                        Optionally add explanatory comments to all entries in
                        output script files.
  -f, --format_on_fly   Optionally attempt to format the input config file
                        during run. And switch to the new formatted verison of
                        the file. Note this re-formatting is only useful if
                        the input config is a valid version of an older PoPy
  -i, --i_am_feeling_lucky
                        Optionally do NOT run the PoPy script checking i.e
                        silence the warnings and errors output at the start
                        this option is not recommended, but you can use if you
                        do not believe the warnings/errors and want to run
                        your script regardless.
  -l, --line_breaks     Optionally enforce line breaks in the config file.
                        This increases the length of files, but may improve
                        clarity. If set to False, short dictionary lines are
                        compacted instead using {} notation.
  -m, --manual_mode     Optionally do NOT run output scripts automatically,
                        even if 'output_mode: run' set in config file.
                        Effectively uses 'output_mode: create' instead. Then
                        user has to run output scripts manually.
  -o, --overwrite       Optionally overwrite existing output files without
  -r, --replicate_scripts
                        Optionally replicate input config files in log files.
  -s, --spaces          Optionally add more spaces to the output config file
                        for greater clarity, but longer config files. Off by
  -t, --timestamp       Optionally included timestamp string in log file name
                        and output folder name.
  -v {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}, --verbosity {noset,info,debug,warning,error,critical}
                        verbosity of output in log file
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