• Language: en

PoPy Website

PoPy introductory site

We have an introductory site here:-


This website describes the main features of PoPy and why you should use it.

PoPy product website

The main website to support PoPy is here:-


This site contains the binary downloads and up-to-date documentation for PoPy.

Obtain a website account

If you want to try out PoPy please contact:-


Your website account consists of an email address and password, and will permit access to the latest binary installer and up-to-date PoPy documentation.

Website Structure


Introduction to PoPy PK/PD system.


Recent news about PoPy. E.g. up-coming conferences + new releases/features.


Access to all PoPy binaries. Note we will keep all our release binaries online indefinitely to support reproducibility of your results.

However you are encouraged to update to the latest version to get the most out of PoPy.


Documentation for all releases of PoPy. Note the online documentation (for the latest release) will be updated continuously. So the online documentation will be more up-to-date than the static html supplied with the PoPy binary.

To access the online documentation for your version of PoPy simply type:-

popy_doc -o

Where the “o” stands for online. If you type:-


You will see the local documentation under:-



Some information about the developers and contact email.

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