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Direct PD Model Simultaneous PK/PD Parameter fit

[Generated automatically as a Tutorial summary]

Model Description

Title:Direct PD Model Simultaneous PK/PD Parameter fit
Author:PoPy for PK/PD
A simple direct PD Model, based on the amount of drug in the body. That simultaneously fits PK and PD parameters.
The amount in the central compartment is determined by K, which has been previously estimated for each individual.
The amount in the central compartment influences the rate of removal of a biomarker (KOUT).
Keywords:pd; one compartment model; direct
Input Script:direct_pd_simul_tut.pyml


True objective value


Final fitted objective value


Compare Main f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Abs. Error Prop. Error
f[CL] 5 2… 2 1.94e-03 0.10%
f[V] 15 48.1 50 1.91e+00 3.81%
f[BASE] 500 799 800 7.71e-01 0.10%
f[KOUT] 0.1 0.0288 0.03 1.23e-03 4.10%

Compare Noise f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Abs. Error Prop. Error
f[PK_ANOISE] 5 0.51 0.5 1.02e-02 2.05%
f[PD_ANOISE] 5 8.23 0.3 7.93e+00 2641.77%

Compare Variance f[X]

No Variance f[X] values to compare.


Fitted f[X] values (after fitting)

f[CL] = 2.0019
f[V] = 48.0926
f[BASE] = 799.2292
f[KOUT] = 0.0288
f[PK_ANOISE] = 0.5102
f[PD_ANOISE] = 8.2253

Generated data .csv file

Synthetic Data:synthetic_data.csv


True f[X] values (for simulation)

f[CL] = 2.0000
f[V] = 50.0000
f[BASE] = 800.0000
f[KOUT] = 0.0300
f[PK_ANOISE] = 0.5000
f[PD_ANOISE] = 0.3000

Starting f[X] values (before fitting)

f[CL] = 5.0000
f[V] = 15.0000
f[BASE] = 500.0000
f[KOUT] = 0.1000
f[PK_ANOISE] = 5.0000
f[PD_ANOISE] = 5.0000
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