• Language: en

Depot + One compartment PK with BLQ

[Generated automatically as a Tutorial summary]

Model Description

Title:Depot + One compartment PK with BLQ
Author:PoPy for PK/PD
Depot One Comp PK model, with BLQ (below level of quantification) observations.
Keywords:tutorial; pk; advan4; dep_two_cmp; blq
Input Script:blq_pk_tut.pyml


True objective value


Final fitted objective value


Compare Main f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Abs. Error Prop. Error
f[KA] 1 0.21 0.2 1.04e-02 5.20%
f[CL] 1 2.06 2 6.01e-02 3.00%
f[V1] 20 47.8 50 2.16e+00 4.32%

Compare Noise f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Abs. Error Prop. Error
f[PNOISE] 0.1 0.151 0.15 1.28e-03 0.85%

Compare Variance f[X]

Name Initial Fitted True Abs. Error Prop. Error
f[KA_isv] 0.05 0.0597 0.1 4.03e-02 40.28%
f[KA_isv;CL_isv] 0.01 0.00327 0.02 1.67e-02 83.65%
f[KA_isv;V1_isv] 0.01 0.0142 0.01 4.18e-03 41.77%
f[CL_isv;KA_isv] 0.01 0.00327 0.02 1.67e-02 83.65%
f[CL_isv] 0.05 0.0319 0.03 1.93e-03 6.44%
f[CL_isv;V1_isv] 0.01 0.00934 0.02 1.07e-02 53.32%
f[V1_isv;KA_isv] 0.01 0.0142 0.01 4.18e-03 41.77%
f[V1_isv;CL_isv] 0.01 0.00934 0.02 1.07e-02 53.32%
f[V1_isv] 0.05 0.111 0.09 2.06e-02 22.90%


Fitted f[X] values (after fitting)

f[KA] = 0.2104
f[CL] = 2.0601
f[V1] = 47.8386
f[KA_isv,CL_isv,V1_isv] = [
    [ 0.0597, 0.0033, 0.0142 ],
    [ 0.0033, 0.0319, 0.0093 ],
    [ 0.0142, 0.0093, 0.1106 ],
f[PNOISE] = 0.1513
f[ANOISE] = 0.0100

Generated data .csv file

Synthetic Data:synthetic_data.csv


True f[X] values (for simulation)

f[KA] = 0.2000
f[CL] = 2.0000
f[V1] = 50.0000
f[KA_isv,CL_isv,V1_isv] = [
    [ 0.1000, 0.0200, 0.0100 ],
    [ 0.0200, 0.0300, 0.0200 ],
    [ 0.0100, 0.0200, 0.0900 ],
f[PNOISE] = 0.1500
f[ANOISE] = 0.0100

Starting f[X] values (before fitting)

f[KA] = 1.0000
f[CL] = 1.0000
f[V1] = 20.0000
f[KA_isv,CL_isv,V1_isv] = [
    [ 0.0500, 0.0100, 0.0100 ],
    [ 0.0100, 0.0500, 0.0100 ],
    [ 0.0100, 0.0100, 0.0500 ],
f[PNOISE] = 0.1000
f[ANOISE] = 0.0100
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